Monday 15 December 2008

Week Beginning 8/12

And a round up of last weeks news:

Monday was a half day, doing screenwriting. In particular studying character, and the development of distinct, fully rounded individuals to populate the story. I suspect this is one of the hardest parts of storycraft, especially in takin ghtese characters and subtely revealing to the audience tantalising glimpses into their lives, beliefs and backstories. It seems to me very difficult to find the balance between saying too much and saying too little.

Tuesday was our Technical assesment. I knew it was to be assessed, but had no idea it was going to be 8 hours long. As a learning experience I found it very useful. Seeing the different techniques of individuals directing, cam-op ing, sound-ing, etc showed me both what to do and what not to do. As an assesment, I think it would be of limited value: fortunately its one of these formative thingies, and therefore not a proper assesment.

Wednesday was a screening of Sherlock Jr. See my other blog for comments on that. Afterwards, Charlotte and myself headed over to GMAC to see the films that have won awards there in the last year. A really mixed bag ranging from The Honkys (a very professional, hilariously un-PC short that felt more like a pilot episode for a sit-com) via Tied Up, from a certain Mr. Ray Tallon (bizarre sex-farce), to a short period drama, done by Paul Darroch. The last one was nice up to a point, but the limitations of a period drama on £200 budget was distinctly visible. Anna Chaney of 4th yr also had a very nice film: Gloria, being shown. Beyond that there were some rather mediocre comedies, dramas and an abstract music video. But I quite enjoyed the evening, especially with free mince pies. Charlotte didn't sample such delicacies, neither being partial to pies or mincemeat, and so I felt justified in having twice as many as everyone else!

Thursday was a look at zoetropes and the physics behind cinema. Fairly interesting stuff.

Friday was a look at Cop Shows as a TV genre. Again quite interesting. I'm always amazed at the sheer volme of trivia which Andy stores in his head.

So that's Academy life and beyond that its been a constant round of Maths tutorials, Wizard of Oz at the Citz, church, getting colds (plural!!!) and the "delete" key stopping working on my keyboard necessitating twice as much use of the "backspace" key.

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