Monday 26 January 2009

Coronation Street 2

Sophie teams up with her mum against her sister.
Audrey confronts Maria for attacking Tony.
Blanche asks Deirdre if she is looking trustworthy
Maria refuses help.
Blanche tells Leanne that Peter is coming home
Carla tries to persuade Tony to get a court injunction.
Something else happens.
Carla calls the police (Commercial Hook)

Maria goes to the police.
Ken and Deirdre tell Leanne that Peter is in rehab
Eddie and his wife argue about something with a woman on the street.
Leanne insists she will see Peter.
Maria is met by a rather unconvincing Scottish detective who refuses to believe anything.
Eddie apologises to someone for getting mugged.
Maria is told if she carries on she'll become a criminal.
Persons A and B discuss men.
Gary and his uncle scheme, plot and plan mischeivous dealings.
Maria runs Tony over (Half hour gap hook)

Tony is not dead
Gary claims he was arrested because of a woman.
Person C realises Person D was at school with her mum
Carla tells the police to arrest Maria
Gary confronts the chip shop girl. He wants her.
Despite here paranoia, Maria's baby is OK.
Martha invites Ken into the barge for soup. (Commercial hook)

Ken and Martha flirt unashamedly while telling each other their tales of woe.
Sophie's Dad tells her he's always there for her.
Ken's wife gives him more soup. He's not impressed.
Detective turns up at Maria's
The chip shop girl argues with her boyfriend about Gary
Maria is possibly to be charged with attempted murder (End of double episode hook)


The final hook is less of a cliffhanger than a moral dilemma, which does not need to be followed up in real time. In contrast, the running down of Tony had to be followed up the same evening to preserve the feeling of real time.


Character status
Maria: Paranoid, unpredicatable expecting mother
Audrey: Matriarchal guiding figure
Fizz: Loyal friend
Tony: Calm, almost compassionate, antagonist
Carla: Protective wife.
Ken: Family man --> Flirtatious rogue
Leanne: Loyal girlfriend

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