Monday 5 October 2009

Week Beginning 28th Sept

The craziness of Freshers Week was far more intense this time round than it ever was when I was a Fresher. In fact, last year, I seemed to miss out on it entirely. I never even found Freshers Fayre.

So I started off on the previous Saturday, helping the Christian Union carrying boxes and bags into Halls for the newly arrived Freshers. It’s a vast amount some people are packing: a spare toaster in case the one in the kitchen breaks…

On Monday I was disappointed to discover Editshare has been taken off the network. This means I am not able to finish editing Dust this week.

On Tuesday, we had a formal introduction to the School of Drama by Maggie Kinloch. This was not exactly rivetingly exciting, but I suppose it helps to think of us all working together. This led on to a Department meeting. I’m still trying to memorise names and faces of the new first years. Again, nothing revolutionary was mentioned, except that Adam wants to stop us making films... at least for the moment.

After a free lunch, courtesy of the Christian Union, the afternoon was our first proper class, looking at Factual Content. Researching Andy was an intriguing task, and it shows that a narrative thread to the information is more important than the sheer volume of information.

Wednesday was our first class with Zam, where we looked at several clips from favourite films and tried to say what we found particularly gripping about these scenes. While I don’t think I learnt anything specific from that class, it was a good start, and I am confident that it will prove to be a very helpful class in the next few weeks.

Thursday was a day off. (Sorry, Richard, a writing day...)

Friday was a screening of Metropolis. (See other blog)

It’s great to be back at the Academy, and into some sort of routine after the long days of Summer. I would have liked to have Dust finished before we started back, and we are very close to it, but hopefully we will get that finished without long delay. And I am looking ahead to production of The Golden Rule, our entry for FilmG, assuming we get the green light from Adam.

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