Friday 22 January 2010

Week Beginning 18/1

Monday was a class on the French New Wave. It seems to me I have less of an understanding of exactly what this is than I do of, say, Italian Neo-Realism or British Social Realism. I have decided to add a couple of Jean Luc Godard's films to my list, as the only New Wave film I have seen is the 400 blows, and bearing in mind how influential it has been it is difficult to actually isolate these characteristics which were new in this New Wave.

Tuesday was a look at documentary again, with this time a practical exercise: taking the story of a teacher's suicide and trying to find the story that resonates with us all. I found that it was something none of us considered at the first pass, and that much time was spent considering the details of the event itself before we realised that the key story here was about dis-satisfaction with life and a search for something more. Or, as the Bible might say "What profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?"

Wednesday was a day off, so spent on our essays and on pre-production for "Communication Breakdown": Dionysios upcoming film.

Thursday was supposedly a day of technical, but it was cancelled due to editshare being down. We spent the day working on essays.

Friday was a viewing of This is England, followed by a massive assignment given out by Abigail...

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