Monday 10 November 2008

WB 3/11

Got feedback from Richard on my short story, which was good. I haven't had feedback from a professional on any piece of creative writing I have done since I was at school, so it was very helpful. We were also watching some rather bizarre short films, which were, in general, like watching paint dry in black and white.
Tuesday was a camera test, where we have satisfied Ray that we are competant to take out the kit. It does seem a big step forward. Now all we need to do is find the time! We also had some tips on logging clips properly, which hopefully will prove very helpful. I still find it difficult remembering all the settings we need to configure before we start a new project.
The film lecture on Thursday seemed a little pointless. We were simply taught that all lists of the top best films are subjective. This, it seemed, we had been told a couple of times before. It was certainly interesting to hear some class members defending their favourite film. Quite an eclectic mix of titles there.
I am working on a short script for a film I hope to shoot in December with some acting students, and when I get spare moments sitting in trains or in the quiet moments during my shifts at the theatre I am busy trying to fit various ideas together. Its a more arty-farty script than I've ever written before, and I'm quite enjoying the pretentiousness!
We are also continuing to work on our short film competition entry. We have come up with a vague idea, and its just a case of nailing down some scenes, which we can then construct together when we hear the details of the brief. Really good to have these last two projects to work towards. I only hope we will be able to have the full kit out in time!

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