Monday 9 November 2009

Week Beginning 2/11

I am half asleep - so apologies in general to my devoted readership and fan-base for what is likely to be a somewhat slapdash blog posting.

So Monday was a class on genre theory, quite interesting. A film doesn't have to be totally unique to be engaging, challenging, entertaining and moving. Sometimes the use of genre motifs make the audience feel comfortable and a deeper story can be told under the surface.

Tuesday was a trip to the Mitchell library - it was intriguing to see the old documents, especially the 900 year old Papal bull and the rogues gallery from the police records. Having said that it seems like a solution seeking a problem. I can't think what situation I would be in, where I would be researching some aspect of Gasgow's life before 1970.

Wednesday was cancelled

Thursday was also cancelled - we watched an episode of Being Human, which I had already seen and blogged on last year.

Friday was Open Day, so general anarchy in the corridors and no classes.

Meanwhile all week, we were gearing up for a reshoot of The Golden Rule, which we accomplished on Saturday. The first time we had been out, the play-heads had been damaged or the tape had been corrupted and the footage was not useable for most of one scene. Seeing we were going out for this scene, we also decided to get some more coverage of another scene, on which we had been very rushed the first time. Depite some inclement weather we managed another successful shoot.

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